Saturday 11 October 2014

My Organisational Secret: Academic Diary

Hey guys :) 
So today's post is a little different from my others :) it's more to do with lifestyle and how you can maximise productivity in my opinion and I can tell you right now that I can't live without it at all. 

So the secret is actually in the title - it's my academic diary. I cannot even express how much this diary means to me - it literally goes everywhere with me because it has my life in it.

 My memory isn't that bad but occasionally I do forget to do important work - for university or just in general and writing things down just makes it so much easier. I honestly list things I have to do in the day - a bit like a check list and by the end of the day everything should be ticked off and that's how I know it has been a productive and useful day. Having this sort of check list is self rewarding too because you get a lot of satisfaction from ticking each thing off as you have accomplished a goal each and every time. Another reason why this is specific to an academic diary and not just a post it note (I use those too) is that everyday you will have a set of goals to do - I have hardly had any days which were completely empty because there is always something to be done.

I always carry my diary around with me because I start planning for the goals or events for future weeks in advance and if asked about my availability I know exactly what days I might be free in a matter of seconds. 

Oops - I was two hours late posting this!
Honestly having an academic diary is a game changer if you use it like this - this post really is for people who are struggling to balance out how they should tackle the amount of work they have to do and I think organisation is a large part of it - if you know what you need to do and when then you will automatically be quicker at achieving it since you wake up with a purpose - even if it is something simple like buying milk or doing laundry for the day.
I hope this has let you all in on how I achieve my maximum potential and I hope you invest in one if you are finding it difficult to remember and plan properly. 
Thanks for reading,
Anjna x

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